For nearly 10 years, I have been a subscriber to Newsweek. However, I decided not to renew the subscription this spring.

The reason why I am not renewing it is that I find print media like Newsweek rather cumbersome when I go out and prefer devices like the Kindle and iPhone/iPod Touch to read these days.

It is not that I am a tech-geek who loves everything new. To the contrary, I like the paper feeling. Actually, some of my friends call me a book collector. My collection includes some valuable books from the nineteenth century. I have been to several countries only to buy books. So I am more of a book lover than a gadget lover.

What happened to me then?

There are several reasons why I like e-readers better.

First, e-books are less expensive. When I buy English books in Japan, they are usually twice or three times as expensive. With Kindle, new books only cost around US$10-12. I used to pay US$20-30 for the same thing. It's really great costwise.

Second, portability. E-readers, in my case the Kindle, are light and easy to carry around. Some books can be a burden when you go out. It never happens with e-readers.

Third, handleability. It's so easy to turn the page. When I read a paper in a crowded train car, I always find it hard to turn the page. After I began using a Kindle and iPod Touch, I no longer accidentally punch a commuter.

Finally, small footprint. Books take up space. And real books are heavy. If you have hundreds or thousands of them, you'll be in trouble. E-books are just data in the hard-drive. You don't need a book shelves for them and they are weightless. Say, you have thousands of books and put them in one room, your house may tilt. I guess the Kindle is good for landlords as well.

I know no matter what I say, it's hard to convince the old-timers. But now I got used to the comfort of the e-readers. I feel it's IMPOSSIBLE to turn back. It's only a matter of taking it now or later.

